동영상 /March 22, 2012 Next Mega Earthquake, AXIS Shift / US Could Be Next
Chile, Japan, Fiji, New Zealand all fell victim to large, devastating earthquakes, and you will notice there is a 188/189 day pattern between each mega quake. These quakes have shifted the Earth's axis, and the upcoming date for the next mega quake is March 22, 2012. The United States could very well be next.
Please pass this video on to your friends, family, and local news stations to pass this information along to help prepare people! I do not give a damn about publicity or credit, we can save lives by passing this information along!
Thank you,
Portland, OR
2012년 3월 23일 9.0 대지진 예고 동영상
(Mitchell Coumbes 는 작년 일본 3/11 지진을 몇시간 차이로 맞추어 일본에서 유명함)
Make sure you're prepared. As the Earth gets back around to the side of the Sun that the brown dwarf star in coming from, puts us back in the alignment that tugs on the Earth Crust.
3/11/11 9.0 Japan
3/1/10 8.8? Chile
3/9/09 7.6 Tonga
3/20/08 7.2 China
2/20/08 7.4 Indonesia
3/6/07 6.4 Sumatra
3/25/07 6.7 Japan
2/22/06 7.0 East Africa rift
4/20/06 7.6 Russia
As this Heavy Mass Object gets closer year by year the earthquakes get stronger. Get prepared for at least a 9.0 this season. Sometime from NOW to early April...
Special thanks to qerdus on youtube for sharing
2nd Sun Brown Dwarf Star Confirmation Earthquake 9.0 Alert March (23rd?) / April 2012
see also: Theory of Heavy Mass Object Orbit EXPLAINED - Sun - Earth Alignments
이번주 금요일 이군요. ㅡ.ㅡ;;