
I’m still not convinced, but I do believe, that if such structures were found,

we wouldn’t be informed about it.

The theory that a major cataclysm in our ancient past rearranged

the face of the Earth is undeniable,

and the theory of people escaping Antarctica after this event

and settling in South America is also plausible.

There are many videos purportedly showing structures all over

the continent on Google Earth,

but to myself, these seem like natural topography,

or heavily pixilated photos where I just can’t conclude.

That leaves the question - what if Google Earth are smudging their photo’s,

as NASA has been shown to do?

And, I do find it strange that there are 3 pyramids on

the Neumeyer Antarctic station emblem.






I have put together some short videos for perusal.

As always, use your discernment.

Ancient Pyramids/Antarctica
2 Pyramids right next to a research facility 9/22/2012. Google Earth / 71° 56' 55.29" S 23° 20' 42.94" E.

The terrain at this site is Granite.

The facility was built on top of the Granite, next to the pyramid structure.

Website for Princess Elizabeth Station ?

Pyramids Found in Antarctica?



Ancient Pyramids Found In Antarctica? 2012 HD
“A team of researchers are claiming

that they have discovered three ancient pyramids on the ice covered continent of Antarctica.

Exact details are sketchy, but the team have released three intriguing pictures of their discovery.
The international team comprises researchers from the United States,

and several other, are from various European countries.

Two of the huge pyramid structures were found approximately 10 miles inland,

the third one not far from the coastline, clearly visible from ocean.

The team are currently planning an expedition to reach one of the pyramids to find out

if it is a natural or an artificial structure.

No further Details have been reported from the team as of 29 August 2012.

More news is pending.

Im undecided on this one guys until further confirmation, so as always you decide.”



Atlantis Antarctica Secret

“The Antarctic was once quite tropical before an ancient global flood changed our planet.

Structures have been found there.

Many groups are now in the hostile environment covertly digging down to ruins at Lake Vostok

and other regions of this lost continent frozen in time.”



My note ? This is probably CGI, but has been broadcast on South American TV. If it is not CGI...?

( Translated from Spanish )

“This video is uploaded before but we had removed it seems to be in error

and now we get back from the mysterious folder of the Deep Web.

The video shows two pyramids in the distance in Antarctica

and what appears to be a helicopter flying in the distance as

if it was watching or appreciating the pyramids.
Is believed to have been recorded by

the research team in the August 29, 2012 claimed to have discovered three pyramids in Antarctica.

Two of the largest pyramidal structures were found about 10 miles inland,

the third not far from the coast, clearly visible from the sea.

We propose that it may be an antique structures close to 10,000 BC.

Recently had already accepted one of these structures

but is listed officially as a pyramidal mountain any more.

But you have the last word.”



Further reading

Ancient pyramids, possibly man-made, discovered in Antarctica


Ancient Pyramids found in Antarctica


Man Made Ancient Pyramids Found on Antarctica


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